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Happy June! 🌞

We’re back with a new edition of ‘What’s new at Supermetrics’. In this article, we’ll share the latest product developments, events, and content, including:

  • Connector of the month
  • New early-access connector
  • Connector improvements
  • Webinar
  • Customer stories
  • Podcast

Connector of the month: Google Analytics 4

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is the most popular web analytics tool. It allows marketers to track website events and analyze visitors’ behavior.

With Supermetrics, you can
go beyond GA4’s native reporting UI and bring your data into a reporting tool of your choice to do deeper analysis. For example, combine web analytics data with paid ad data or build custom reports. 

If you're still updating some of your old Universal Analytics reports with GA4 data, check out our GA4 Knowledge Center for more helpful guides and content. Make sure you've migrated all the reports before July 1, when the Universal Analytics platform stops functioning.


GA4 is our connector of the month

 Start using the GA4 connector


New early-access connector

WooCommerce is finally in early access

The much-requested WooCommerce connector is finally in early access. With it, you can pull your ecommerce data and see how your order volumes or sales are developing. You can also combine WooCommerce data with your paid media channels and evaluate how much your paid campaigns contribute to sales. Try it now.


Connector improvements 

We're constantly working on improving our connectors, and here are the latest improvements to our existing connectors.

Google Analytics 4 new fields

We've added several new "session" dimensions for you to report with. These fields will help you analyze your web traffic even better. 

  • Session manual campaign name
  • Session manual creative format
  • Session manual marketing tactic
  • Session manual medium
  • Session manual source
  • Session manual source/medium
  • Session manual source platform

Google Analytics 4 field change

Google renamed "Conversions" into "Key events", so the terminology should change the next time you refresh fields. This shouldn't impact your reports. 


TikTok Ads 

By popular request, we added the ability to fetch deleted campaigns/ad groups/ads with the TikTok Ads connector. You can enable this feature by adding the "Include deleted objects" setting to the Options. Please note that enabling this will likely increase the size of requests from the TikTok API and may cause performance issues, so it should be used only when necessary.

X Public Data 

We have added two new metrics to the "Twitter tweets by keyword" and "Twitter user tweets" report types:

  • Replies
  • Quotes


🎥 Webinar: Demystifying marketing mix modeling (MMM)


The quest for increasing effectiveness and efficiency of marketing data has led to higher demand for Marketing Mix Modeling (MMM), a "sophisticated analytical tool" that can help organizations plan their next moves as strategically as possible. But what exactly is MMM and how are companies using MMM in their marketing day to day?

Join us live at 2 p.m. AEST/12 p.m. SGT on Tuesday, June 11, to hear more about the fundamentals of MMM and how to get started or if it's the right journey for you..

In this very special fireside chat, we're bringing together experts from Mutinex, SEEK, and Supermetrics to discuss how marketers can determine when they need a market mix model.

Tune in on this live webinar to learn more about:

  • What types of businesses should use MMM
  • The signs that you might be missing market mix in your measurement conversations
  • What type of questions marketing mix models can help you answer
  • How to make a successful case for market mix internally
  • Answer your questions about how to get the process started

Register Now

Supermetrics Meetup is Coming to Munich on the June 19



Get ready to elevate your marketing game at the Supermetrics Meetup: Using Data to Power your Next Step, proudly sponsored by LinkedIn. Join us for an engaging in-person event where industry experts will discuss how to use data to power your next step.

This is your chance to gain invaluable insights and network with like-minded professionals.

Seats are limited, so ensure you don't miss out on this exclusive opportunity! Reserve your spot today by registering here.


Webinar recording: How Agencies turn analytics into actionable results

Watch our webinar, co-hosted with Imajery, 'How agencies turn analytics into actionable results', from May 23, 2024. 

Whether you're a seasoned marketer or just starting out, this webinar pinpoints actions you can take to elevate your agency's performance and deliver measurable results for your clients. Don't miss this opportunity to master the art of analytics consolidation and propel your agency toward success. 

Watch recording.


Customer stories of the month


How McCann Central streamlined reporting, boosted efficiency, and unlocked profitability with Supermetrics

McCann Central, a leading marketing agency, found themselves needing help with siloed data across multiple platforms. They needed a solution to consolidate their data, automate reporting, and gain actionable insights for their clients' marketing campaigns.

We caught up with Oliver Dew, Operations Director, and Simon Barks, Director of Analytics at McCann Central, to learn how they used Supermetrics' Marketing Intelligence Cloud and saved roughly 240 days a year, boosted efficiency, increased profitability, and future-proofed their growth. 

Read the full case study.


How Feld Entertainment unifies marketing data with Supermetrics to power data-driven insights and better marketing ROI

Feld Entertainment produces thousands of live events annually, like Disney on Ice and Monster Jam. They use a combination of online and offline channels to promote the events. However, fragmented data across platforms and regions made it difficult to prove the value of their marketing efforts.

Learn how Jen Whorton, Senior Manager for Database and Data Management at Feld Entertainment, implemented Supermetrics for Power BI to unify their data. They gained more actionable insights, built trust within the global organization, and slashed reporting time from hours to minutes.

Read the full case study.

🎧 Podcast: How Imajery uses data to prove value across the entire customer journey

In this data-packed episode of The Marketing Intelligence Show, Jessica Gondolfo, Head of US Regional Marketing at Supermetrics, is joined by Jay Sala, Founder and CEO, and Sanjay Mayar, VP of Growth, at Imajery. 

Together, they’ll reveal how Imajery uses data to acquire clients and build trust across the customer journey.

Tune in to learn:

  • How to use data to make smarter marketing decisions
  • Why client alignment is key to successful campaigns
  • The importance of clear & concise reporting
  • How to use Supermetrics to streamline your marketing data

Listen to the full episode.


👋 And that’s a wrap for June. See you in July with more exciting updates. 

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