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I’m wondering what sources do you all use / follow to keep in track with all of the latest marketing news?

For me coming from an media agency background I of course try to keep in touch with especially topics related to that. I use a combination of free and paid sources.

LinkedIn in general but also especially a few experts in their field:

  • Dan White for a range of marketing theories and topics with very clearly illustrated pictures
  • Karen Nelson-Field who is one of the main experts in Attention metrics
  • Paul Stringer who is the managing editor of WARC and shares the latest news of their research and studies
  • Les Binet, Head of Effectiveness at adam&eveDDB and author of the famous “The Long and the Short of it” with Pieter Field 
  • Asbjørn Moe who is the Nordic Paid Media Lead at Vipps MobilePay and shares a lot about creativity, attention, digital marketing and how all of that can improve effectiveness of media

Sites / newsletters:

  • Digiday
  • Adweek

Overall sources for trends:

  • WARC
  • Think with Google
  • Statista for data charts
  • Kantar Global reports
  • System1

Do you use these or what other sources do you follow or use to follow the latest news?

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