What KPIs to report?

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Given the growing accessibility of marketing data, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by all the available metrics. We recommend choosing the KPIs you want to track based on the decisions you want to make:



Strategic KPIs

These set the long-term direction of your marketing strategy, deciding on aspects like the marketing mix, budget allocation, positioning, and messaging. 

🤔 For example, how should we allocate the budget this year? 

  • Customer lifetime value (CLV), Customer acquisition cost (CAC), Brand mentions/brand sentiment, Customer retention rate.


Operational KPIs

These ensure marketing activities run smoothly and efficiently. 

🤔 For example, what affects the sudden drop in trials? 

  • Marketing qualified leads (MQLs)Sales qualified leads (SQLs), Brand visibility.


Optimization KPIs

These are the small, ongoing decisions your marketing team needs to make about the best way to get the most out of each of your marketing tactics. 

🤔 For example, should we change the color of the CTA button on our landing page?

  • Bounce rate, Time on page, Click-through rate (CTR), A/B test results, Return on investment (ROI).


Tactical KPIs

These help you improve the performance of individual channels and campaigns. 

🤔 For example, how should we pace our ad spend this week? 

  • Web trafficWeb conversion rateSocial media engagement ratesEmail engagement rateCost per acquisition (CPA).


Once you know which metrics you want to track, check if these metrics are available in the data source that you use: Visit Supermetrics documentation site 🔗

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