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Thank you everyone for joining our first community Product Updates session 🙌

Me and Valter had a blast hosting it and chatting with you all. We've also gotten a bunch of interest in being enrolled into some of the beta features we unveiled yesterday.

On that front — we'll be inviting everyone that indicated an interest in joining any of the betas to groups here in the community over the next week or so... so keep your eyes peeled if you answered the polls 😎

In case you missed it, the recording of the session can be found below.


We're aiming to host these sessions quarterly so don't worry, we'll be back with another Product Updates session most likely in September!

Thank you both for your time yesterday! Was really informative and super exciting to see what the future holds!

@Reetu & @Juan - the recording is now available 🤗

💡 Want to be the first to try out our new products and features? Join our dedicated beta testing groups here:

thanks @Senni :) 
