How important is competitive intelligence in B2B marketing?

  • Supermetrics Team
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In the ever-evolving world of B2B marketing, staying ahead of the curve can feel like a constant sprint. We’re all busy crafting killer content, optimizing campaigns, and chasing those leads. But how often do we take a step back and analyze what our competitors are up to?

To answer this question, we recently spoke with Trevor Irish, a digital marketing analyst at Vollrath, a leading commercial cookware manufacturer. Where we uncovered how Trevor used the competitive intelligence to:

  • Identify ideal posting frequency
  • Craft high-performing content themes
  • Make informed budget decisions

We’d love to hear your thoughts on competitive intelligence in B2B marketing! Have you ever used data from competitor analysis to inform your own marketing strategy? Share your experiences in the comments below!

P.S. Dive deeper with Trevor and learn how Vollrath uses Supermetrics to win the B2B game in the Marketing Intelligence show podcast episode here!

Or tune in on Spotify below alternatively you can also listen to the episode on Apple Music and Amazon Music.


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