Data comparaison with same day last year on lookerstudio
Hello ,
I was wondering if someone knows how can we compare data with last year same day comparaison instead of just last year ? (really needed for the retail sector)
(e.g Monday 19 August 2024 vs Monday 21 August 2023 instead of the 19/08/24 vs 19/08/23 dafault comparaison window)
If seen some stuff online but honestly it wasn’t work on my side !
Thanks for your help :D
Paul T
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You might be able to pull it off with Looker Studio alone, but it may require a lot of tinkering with dates, and may not work in all cases. (YMMV)
One other option is to use Google Sheets as an intermediary. If you have access to Supermetrics for Google Sheets, then you can first load data into the spreadsheet and let us compare values for you while taking weekdays into account.
The only thing left would be to surface that data in Looker Studio with the Sheets connector.
You might also be able to do this in Looker Studio. With the following formula you should be able to generate a custom field that produces a date that corresponds to the same Day of the week approximately 1 year ago:
To let you David, for an unkown reason with some dates your formula is working and for some it’s not , here a e.g : (like 18 & 19 August isn’t OK but 17 to 13 ok and the 12th it’s not) I will try to investigate it but it’s not fully helping me
I will try to use community chart (I’m part of the closed beta but I’m using a source where I don’t have access to modify it yet)
And Pavel, thanks for your answer, but since mostly all my queries are sending the data from SuperMetrics to GCP, I won’t want to change it and to host it into a spreadsheet, but it’s good to know !
Thanks for you support & answers :D
Paul T
Hi Paul,
Another thing came in my mind. Marcus Stade and Patrick Mohr gave a workshop recently to show how they do YoY comparison with BigQuery. They only do this on week level, but maybe this can be modified to achieve a day-over-day comparison also...
@David Magdolen, I found your awesome formula when searching the forum. Thanks!
I wonder if I may trouble you for an additional tip?
How would I go about using it? I mean, I basically want to setup a time series chart with e.g. Sessions the last 28 days, and have it show a second line with sessions last year.
that’s a tricky one, maybe @dataviz has a better solution than the one I am about lay out.
In essence, you use a combination of Year, Week and Weekday as join key in the blend and for last year’s data you “add” a year so that the blend will “match” last year’s data with this year’s data for the same week and weekday. You also have to ensure that your default date range is large enough to include this year’s and last year’s data, otherwise the blend will not work. So in that regard, with this solution you won’t be able to limit the date range to the last 28 days and have the blend find the matching weekdays from a year ago.
Sorry for the stuffy explanation.
Looker Studio has advanced date frame and comparison date range functions that you may be able to configure to your exact needs. Please be aware that Looker Studio has just updated them, and they are quite buggy at the moment.
The default date range is set to minus 4 weeks to minus 1 week, which shows four complete weeks, from Monday to Sunday.This is the configuration of the date range selectorThe time series chart uses also the advanced date frame setup and selects minus 56 to minus 52 weeks. This ensures, that Mondays are compared to Mondays and so on. You may want to decide to use minus 57/53 weeks as well.
If you want to compare exact dates (November 1, 2024 compared to November 1, 2023), you can simply compare to last year, but in most cases, we want to compare day-over-day.
Another option would be to compare “minus 1/28” days to “minus 364/392 days”. The comparison would still be day-over-day, but the end date is always “yesterday”.