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Trigger refresh from a script in google sheets

  • 1 August 2024
  • 3 replies

It would be very helpful if I could trigger a refresh all of a google sheets query set via a google sheets script. Has anyone found a way to do this? 

Hi @gorch This is great question, we’ll check with our product team and get back to you on this.

You probably know all the basics about our scheduled refreshes.
They allow you to refresh all queries in one sheet, and you can set up one or multiple to all sheets.


If what you want is to be able to refresh all sheets with a script, our developer team discussed this a bit and saw a way to make a feature to help with that. It’s more of an idea phase right now, though.
Could you describe your need in a few more words to make sure we get it right, and submit it at clicking +Submit idea on top right, please?

Have submitted it as an idea at
