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Introducing Account Tagging


We know that managing numerous accounts across platforms can be challenging. Our latest feature, Account Tagging, has been created to solve this problem. The new feature is available for all Supermerics users. 

This simple yet powerful feature allows you to choose different data source accounts and group those accounts using different tags to best serve your needs. 




What's New?


Create dynamic groups using account tags

Manage your accounts with ease using our new account tagging feature. This allows you to search, select, and tag accounts to create dynamic groups for easy access and management across Supermetrics products.

Use account tags to fetch data from multiple accounts

Apply your account tags in any Supermetrics product when creating a query or transfer. This streamlines the process, saving you time and effort. 

Dynamically updating tags

Make changes to account tags centrally in Supermetrics Hub with changes reflecting dynamically across both triggers and transfers ensuring reports continue to update and run smoothly.


Quick start guide

  1. Navigate to the data sources section in the Hub.
  2. Click on the "Account Management" tab.
  3. Select a data source and connection.
  4. Search or filter your accounts based on criteria (e.g., region, client, use-case). 
  5. Create one or multiple tags based on your selection. 
  6. Navigate to any Supermetrics product and select the tag in the account selection dialogue. 

Read more about how to use the feature here:


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This is an awesome feature… hopping on this later in the week, as I see a ton of value in it. 

Is there any intention in the future to port these tags over into a data destination as a column of data?

For example, if we wanted to tag accounts by business vertical, would that (in the future) be a selectable column within a custom query builder to add next to account, account ID, campaign, etc. ?

Might be a hard build, but it would definitely save some headaches applying and managing that through the Supermetrics Hub instead of downstream manually through another tool, especially for agencies.

This is an awesome feature… hopping on this later in the week, as I see a ton of value in it. 

Is there any intention in the future to port these tags over into a data destination as a column of data?

For example, if we wanted to tag accounts by business vertical, would that (in the future) be a selectable column within a custom query builder to add next to account, account ID, campaign, etc. ?

Might be a hard build, but it would definitely save some headaches applying and managing that through the Supermetrics Hub instead of downstream manually through another tool, especially for agencies.

Hey Joe, glad to hear this looks promising to you. Let us know what you think of the feature after you have had time to give it a spin! 

Let me double-check if i understand your question correctly by parroting it back to you.

“When i use Supermetrics to fetch data in a destination, i want to be able to both split the data by account, as well as by other tags that i set up in Supermetrics, such as industry or vertical, so that i can use the solution to both get an overview of campaign performance, as well as other categorisation options that i have specified.” 

Can you confirm if this is what you meant by your question or if i misunderstood something? Would also be great to hear more about your expectations how it would look like in a dream state and what problem it would solve for you. I’ll look into this with our engineering team and get back to you!

@Valter Andersson Of course! And for the question, yes, that sounds right… let me illustrate a bit, in case anyone else has a similar thought. 

Currently, we’re using custom queries in some instances to pull specific sets of data. Here’s what one of our tables looks like:

profile ad_name creative_body date outbound_clicks
Client 1 Ad1_blue example caption 2024-01-01 5
Client 1 Ad1_red example caption 2024-01-01 7
Client 2 Ad3_gold example caption 2024-01-02 15


After ingestion, I use dbt to group clients using CASE statements, and I can set up a column for industry:

industry profile ad_name creative_body date outbound_clicks
Retail Client 1 Ad1_blue example caption 2024-01-01 5
Retail Client 1 Ad1_red example caption 2024-01-01 7
Gov’t Client 2 Ad3_gold example caption 2024-01-02 15


Ideally, I’d love to see an option or capability where we can utilize those Account Tags to push that information to custom queries, possibly to a column named “Supermetrics Tags”… we could then take that information downstream and filter further, which could look like this:

Supermetrics Tags profile ad_name creative_body date outbound_clicks
Retail, New Client, Region 1 Client 1 Ad1_blue example caption 2024-01-01 5
Retail, New Client, Region 1 Client 1 Ad1_red example caption 2024-01-01 7
Gov’t, Legacy Client, Region 3 Client 2 Ad3_gold example caption 2024-01-02 15


That column can then be used at scale for tons of use cases - splitting up charts for sales teams to view by region, c-suite to see new clients vs. regular clients, etc… my brain lit up when I saw this, as I’ve spent many hours building a similar custom system manually through dbt. 

Lastly, a place to manage tags in the hub would also be helpful for people setting up dozens of tags. For example, a way to batch delete tags, update/rename groups of tags… I’m just grateful it’s here, and looking forward to its development!

That’s great feedback, thanks @gcfmineo for taking the time to spell it out! 

There are currently no plans to evolve the tags towards the direction you mentioned. However, there are ways how we potentially could use custom fields to pick up the account tags based on the account ID in the query. In short - we’ll need to investigate it further with the team but it’s a very interesting use-case! 

If others reading this thread have similar use-cases or feel the example would provide value, especially in an agency use-case, please chime in! 

Thank you for adding this feature. I can see a lot of potential uses, particularly when setting up / editing multiple transfers containing multiple accounts. Hopefully it will solve my problem when an account is removed from our MCC it causes the whole BQ transfer to fail. I hope this new tag feature will be a workaround for that issue so I don’t have to manually edit each transfer to remove that one unavailable account.