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To all my Tableau enthusiasts out there, with the depreciation and eventual end of life for Tableau’s Web Data Connector 2.0 (WDC 2.0), a significant question arises: how will you get data directly into Tableau for analysis now? Let’s take a moment to explore this and consider some future-proof solutions.

A Brief History

Supermetrics effectively leveraged Tableau’s Web Data Connector to facilitate seamless data integration into Tableau Desktop. By generating an endpoint in JSON through the Supermetrics API product, users could simply copy and paste this into Tableau’s WDC, enabling quick data access. However, this method had its limitations, including the lack of cloud deployment capabilities and the need for Tableau Server administrators to perform command line routines.

With WDC 2.0 being phased out by 2025, it's crucial to rethink and reconfigure our data workflows.

Moving Forward

So, how will Tableau users adapt to this change? Fortunately, there are robust alternatives that not only match but exceed the capabilities of the old system. Here’s how you can continue to seamlessly integrate your digital media data into Tableau:

1. Utilize Cloud Storage Solutions: Supermetrics now allows you to push your digital media data to various cloud storage options such as Redshift, BigQuery, Snowflake, or even Supermetrics’ own hosted storage. This transition offers several advantages:

  • Leverage Data Warehouses: By using a data warehouse, you can take advantage of more sophisticated data storage and management solutions compared to direct API ingestion.
  • Light Data Preparation: Supermetrics enables you to perform initial data preparation before transferring your data to the warehouse, streamlining the process.
  • Universal Access: Access your data from anywhere, whether you’re using Tableau Desktop, Cloud, or Server.

Contact Us

For more information on how to transition your workflows and make the most out of these new capabilities, reach out to your local Supermetrics account representative. They can provide detailed guidance and support to ensure a smooth transition.

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