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How to show Ad Creative in PowerBI?

I know that this is a no brainer if we are talking about Supermetrics to Looker Studio but Supermetrics Storage or SM to PowerBI it’s kinda annoying.

URL signature expiredwill be send if you input the Creative/Thumbnail URL to your browser.Anyone resolve this issue?

Hi ​@geeky_analyst 

The core issue here is that the Ad image URLs provided by the Facebook API are temporary and expire after a few days. To address this, you need to refresh these URLs daily by querying the Facebook API.

Here’s how you can set it up:

  1. Create a Table in Supermetrics:

    • Name the table something like “FA_creative_url.”
    • Include the dimensions: Ad creative ID and Ad creative image URL. (Or if you Ad creative URL are one to one relation to Ad ID, you can use Ad ID field too)
    • If the table setup requires a metric, you can include one (e.g., Impressions) but disregard it since it’s not relevant for this use case.
  2. Join the Data in Power BI:

    • Use the Ad Creative ID or AD id to link the image URL with your main dataset in Power BI. (Note: Your main dataset must already have data at the Ad Creative ID / Ad ID granularity for the linking to work correctly.) This setup ensures that fresh URLs are always linked to the corresponding ad creatives.
  3. Handling Date-Ranges in Supermetrics:

    • If you’re using Supermetrics Storage to Power BI, note that tables without a date dimension are treated as snapshot tables. By default, they fetch the complete history available from the API.
    • If you’re using the Supermetrics to Power BI connector, specify the time range (e.g., the last six months). This will retrieve fresh URLs for any posts that have had activity within that period. However, older posts will not receive updated URLs.
    • To preserve historical ad images, you’ll need to implement a mechanism to save the images to your own storage. Unfortunately, Supermetrics doesn’t currently offer a built-in solution for this.

In short, while it takes a little effort to manage, this setup ensures your ad creatives show up properly in Power BI without constant hiccups. Hope this clears things up! 😊

Here is screenshot in Power BI about linking tables. 
I do recommend using a star schema for Power BI data model. 


Tried this method and still the creatives still expires.

I create my Creative Table in Google Sheets with Supermetrics to Google Sheet Connector. It seems to work at first(Friday), refreshed the Sheets daily at 11am but still expires today(Monday).

Hi ​@geeky_analyst 

Could you share a screenshot of your Google Sheets (GS) query settings, including the selected dimensions, metrics, and time selector settings? (Feel free to exclude the account selection to avoid sharing any sensitive data.)

The settings in Google Sheets should look something like this:

When you check the data in Google Sheets, are the links already expired there? This will help us determine whether the issue is on the Google Sheets side or in the connection between GS and Power BI.

If you’d like, you can also open a support ticket so we can take a closer look at your specific setup.

It seems that Facebook Creatives are already showing up again. but what I noticed is this solution does not works on TikTok Ads. I’m still observing if LinkedIn and Facebook Ads also show errors..
