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I am struggling with adding the following metrics from Facebook Insights page to my Power BI report based on SuperMetrics data:


  • Content Interactions (Facebook);
  • 3 second video plays (Facebook);
  • Content Interactions (Instagram).

Are you able to help me? I am eaither not able to find these metrics or the metrics are not in line with Facebook Insights page.

Hi @tomek_chwaja
I recommend checking out this documentation page first. It has all the available fields that Supermetrics supports. Let me know if you have any other questions!  🤗

Hi @tomek_chwaja 

Are you creating the query/table yourself in the Supermetrics Hub, or are you using the standard schema (tables)? The standard schema is designed for our template and includes only a limited set of metrics and dimensions.

If you’re creating the query/table in the Supermetrics Hub, total video views are counted as 3-second video views, so you can check that metric.

Regarding content interactions, there isn't a direct field for it. I assume it includes comments, reactions, shares, and saves. If this is the case, these fields should be available through the connector. You can then calculate the total interactions by summing these fields.

For Instagram data, please use the Instagram Insights connector.
