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After a decade in the space, I’m curious to see how others are solving a problem that’s fairly unique to agencies, since we deal with many different types and sizes of budgets. 

While account team members are responsible for tracking budgets on a project or yearly basis, it’s the traffickers/specialists’ jobs to track budget on a line/campaign/ad set level. However, when teams are in need of growth, capacity issues can make this last bit difficult. One approach I’ve worked on is generating risk reports, which call out which campaign lines are at risk of under-delivery, over-delivery, or ending too soon, which can throw off the campaign. These often come with a column to flag what the issue is, and how big of a risk it might be. For example:

Client Campaign Start End Spend Risk Level Issue
NuCo Summer 7/1/2024 7/31/2024 $503 High Underpacing
BrandB Prospecting 6/3/2024 8/5/2024 $625 Medium Overpacing


From here, the account team will jump in and either request help, fix the campaign themselves, or connect with the client for further action. I’ve also leveraged Looker Studio and Google Sheets to build these, along with email reminders every few days to keep everyone honest.


How is everyone else handling risk reporting/budget tracking?


That's an interesting approach @gcfmineo  Calling out campaign lines that are at risk is a smart way to approach these and valuable, especially during growth stages. Interested to hear  if this approach has impacted your team's efficiency.? 👀 😊

@Sahra Yes! When I worked in radio and was on the receiving end of these, they were a clunky, auto-generated mess (I hope Triton Digital got better at this), but were a nice wake-up call at the end of the month. As a one-person show, it helped me argue to get more people hired for the team.

Now, since I get to build and design them, they’re much cleaner and more actionable, so the account team can hop in and see exactly why the lines were flagged. It also helps roll up how many campaigns are running, so I can take that to leadership and say “Hey, I’m managing X clients and Y campaigns, I think we’d be more efficient to hire Z people to help tackle this.” It’s an added layer of visibility and transparency that allows us to collaborate without everyone hopping into each platform.


That’s amazing @gcfmineo and definitely something to benchmark for agencies!

@gcfmineo I wish I would have had this back in the day when I still did some digital media buying! would have saved me some headaches and especially time 😅
