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Hey there! Does anyone else use Basis DSP and is having issues with the connector? Our primary issue is that SM isn’t pulling in all the data that Basis DSP API is providing; only the very high-level ‘Line’ item level data is available, with Group and Tactic level data completely missing (even though it’s available in the Basis DSP API). Support told me to submit an “Idea” which I’ve done now twice with no update. This is a HUGE missing for us, and wondering if anyone else is experiencing the same thing?

Hi @KarenR Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this.


I’ll be sure to check with our product team to see if there are any updates on the roadmap for the BASIS connector and any relevant updates. 😊

Hi @KarenR, thanks for the great suggestion for adding Group and Tactic splits in Basis! We appreciate you sharing this – we understand this is an important feature for your reporting.


We're looking into this, but the implementation is proving more complex than initially anticipated, so we're carefully planning the best approach. We don’t have a timeline yet, but we’ll keep you updated.


Please let us know if you have any other questions or suggestions.
